Sciroxx (34 Offers)

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Type: Beta-2 Agonist, Bronchodilator
Main Ingredient: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
Concentration: 40 mcg
Presentation: 100 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 40-160 mcg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Spiropent

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Type: Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator; Progonadotropin
Main Ingredient: Clomiphene Citrate
Concentration: 50 mg
Presentation: 50 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 25-150 mg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Clomidex

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Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Main Ingredient: Fluoxymesterone
Concentration: 10 mg
Presentation: 50 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 10-40 mg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Halotest 10mg
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Methanodex 10
Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Main Ingredient: Methandrostanolone
Concentration: 10 mg
Presentation: 100 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 20 mg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Methandienone
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Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Main Ingredient: Oxandrolone
Concentration: 10 mg
Presentation: 100 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 2.5-50 mg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Oxandrolon
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Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Main Ingredient: Oxymetholone
Concentration: 50 mg
Presentation: 50 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 50-100 mg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Oximetalon
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Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Main Ingredient: Mesterolone
Concentration: 25 mg
Presentation: 50 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 25-100 mg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Proviroxyl
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Sildex 100

Type: PDE5 Inhibitor
Main Ingredient: Sildenafil Citrate
Concentration: 100 mg
Presentation: 20 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 50-100 mg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Womenra

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Stanodex 10
Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Main Ingredient: Stanozolol
Concentration: 10 mg
Presentation: 100 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 10-20 mg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Stanoject
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Type: Thyroid Hormone
Main Ingredient: Liothyronine Sodium
Concentration: 25 mcg
Presentation: 50 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 25-75 mcg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Thyronorm

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Type: PDE5 Inhibitor
Main Ingredient: Tadalafil Citrate
Concentration: 20 mg
Presentation: 20 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 10-20 mg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Forzest

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Type: Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator
Main Ingredient: Tamoxifen Citrate
Concentration: 20 mg
Presentation: 50 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 20-120 mg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Acapodene

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Turinadex 10
Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Main Ingredient: Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone
Concentration: 10 mg
Presentation: 100 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 20-50 mg/day
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Turinadex
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Equidex 200
Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Main Ingredient: Boldenone Undecylenate
Concentration: 200 mg
Presentation: Sterile 10 mL Multi-Dose Vial
Form: Oily Solution for Injection
Avg Dosage: 400-1000 mg/week
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Bold 200
Out of stock
Equidex Forte 400
Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Main Ingredient: Boldenone Undecylenate
Concentration: 400 mg
Presentation: Sterile 10 mL Multi-Dose Vial
Form: Oily Solution for Injection
Avg Dosage: 400-1000 mg/week
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Boldoject
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Hexadex 450
Type: Mixed Testosterone Esters
Main Ingredients:
- Testosterone Acetate 30 mg
- Testosterone Propionate 73 mg
- Testosterone Phenylpropionate 73 mg
- Testosterone Cypionate 125 mg
- Testosterone Decanoate 147 mg
Concentration: 450 mg
Presentation: Sterile 10 mL Multi-Dose Vial
Form: Oily Solution for Injection
Avg Dosage: 250 mg/week
Lab: Sciroxx
Common Name: Andropen
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Trusted Sciroxx Gear Source

Anabolic gear to build muscle and increase strength from advertised brands do not always allow to achieve impressive results. Therefore, many athletes successfully use high-quality steroids of less popular, but reliable manufacturers, such as Sciroxx - you can buy products of this company at affordable prices in our old-school steroid store. Founded in 2008, this company produces injectable and oral products to achieve high athletic performance. Modern equipment of Sciroxx Laboratories allows them to produce steroids of the highest quality, the cost of which is acceptable to most bodybuilders and athletes.

Sciroxx Labs company produces very strong steroids, designed to get the perfect form in the shortest possible time, and drugs, the result of which is not so fast, but is more stable. Gurus of anabolic steroids are well known drug Trenadex Acetate 100, having a strong androgenic component. This unique drug from Sciroxx is rapidly increasing strength gains. Weight of the athlete at the same time remains virtually unchanged. This injectable drug is good at preparing for competitions, it allows you to endure the most grueling workouts and has a short half-life.

One of the most popular steroids from Sciroxx is Oxanodex. It is available both in the form of tablets, used to build a beautiful relief and drying muscles. This can be used both separately and in combination with other drugs, it has virtually no side effects.

Thus, the range of Sciroxx anabolic gear allows you to choose a drug for a variety of purposes. Due to these anabolics, you can significantly increase strength and at the same time easily fit into your weight category, and you can increase muscle mass and endurance, which will give additional results during training.

You can buy Sciroxx steroids gear in our online store with delivery all over USA. We offer genuine products from this manufacturer, fully consistent with the characteristics that are stated on the packaging. If you do not exceed the dosage, Sciroxx gear will not lead to side effects, and will give good results, which will persist for a very long time. Listen to your body and buy products that suit you.


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