Type: Androgen; Anabolic Ateroid; Androgen Ester; Progestogen
Main Ingredient: Trenbolone Enanthate
Concentration: 200 mg
Presentation: Sterile 10 mL Multi-Dose Vial
Form: Oily Solution for Injection
Avg Dosage: 75-100 mg/week
Lab: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Common Name: Trenaplex
Trenboxyl Enanthate belongs to the category of steroid drugs. It allows you to quickly gain muscle mass and significantly increase strength. Manufactured by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals. This is the strongest anabolic, which is characterized by increased androgenic activity. Enanthate means that this drug has a prolonged action: from 10 to 14 days after the injection. Recommended for experienced athletes.
Long-term practice of steroid use confirms its effectiveness. It contains the main active substance - Trenbolone Enanthate and auxiliary components. Its action is similar to that of hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester. Initially, it was used in veterinary practice. However, its effectiveness in bodybuilding was quickly revealed. From this moment on, bodybuilders, athletes and other athletes are actively using it to work on their bodies. It is recommended only for men. This is easily explained by its increased androgenic activity, which can lead to the appearance of acne, coarsening of the voice, and male-type hair growth in women.
It is used mainly for building muscle mass, since this is its main effect. Trenboxyl cycle also allows you to achieve improved strength and stamina.
Dosage: from 1 to 300 mg per week. In this case, the specified dose should be divided into equidistant days by several equal injections. For example, on Monday - 100 mg, on Wednesday and Friday - also 100 mg each. A systematic intake of Trenboxyl Enanthate is required - from 6 to 8 weeks. Then you can count on achieving the result as soon as possible. It is not necessary to increase the dosage, as the above indicators will be sufficient to achieve a result. This is because this product has a fairly high concentration, and large volumes are useless. Therefore, one bottle of 10 mL of 200 mg will be enough for one cycle lasting 6 weeks.
The greatest effect can be achieved by combining Trenboxyl Enanthate with other steroid agents. It is possible to use it with testosterone enanthate. In the process of PCT, it is necessary to take Tamoxifen and Gonadotropin. In the second week after the start of the cycle, you will need to take Proviron. With the right combination, you can quickly gain muscle growth, increase strength and endurance. You can combine this drug with testosterone propionate (100 mg every other day) and Turinabol (40 mg per day).
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Type: Mixed Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Main Ingredients:
- Drostanolone Propionate 50 mg
- Testosterone Propionate 50 mg
- Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg
Concentration: 150 mg
Presentation: Sterile 10 mL Multi-Dose Vial
Form: Injectable
Avg Dosage: 500-750 mg/week
Lab: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Common Name: Cut Mix
Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Main Ingredient: Methenolone Enanthate
Concentration: 100 mg
Presentation: Sterile 10 mL Multi-Dose Vial
Form: Oily Solution for Injection
Avg Dosage: 300-800 mg/week
Lab: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Common Name: Primotest
Jul 2, 2019 (11:22)
This was my first run with trenbolone. I had all the sides. this stuff was very powerful. Had breathing problems after few weeks but my muscles hardened up like never before. Strength and aggression absolutely marvellous. My muscles got tighter and vascular. Joints dried out quickly. Mad night sweats with bad insomnia.