Testoxyl Cypionate 250
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Testoxyl Cypionate 250

48.00 USD

Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Main Ingredient: Testosterone Cypionate
Concentration: 250 mg
Presentation: Sterile 10 mL Multi-Dose Vial
Form: Oily Solution for Injection
Avg Dosage: 50-200 mg/week
Lab: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Common Name: Cypio-Test
Note: Warming and shaking the vial
should redissolve any crystals
that may have formed
during storage or shipping at a
temperature lower than recommended

Shipping From:
U.S. Domestic

Testoxyl Cypionate 250 Detailed

Testoxyl Cypionate [10 mL Vial] by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Testoxyl Cypionate from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals - is one of the most popular anabolics today. It has many advantages, among which are not only efficiency, a significant increase in strength and endurance, a noticeable weight gain, but also a long-lasting effect. A long form of ester allows you to make an injection and not remember about injections for a week.

This product is relatively safe and suitable even for beginners. Decent quality of goods from Kalpa Pharma guarantees an easy and comfortable cycle with minimal risk of side effects.

Properties and effects:

  • High efficiency. It will help not only increase mass, but also significantly increase strength indicators in conjunction with Sustaxyl 350.
  • Prolonged activity. Testoxyl Cypionate has an uniform effect throughout the week, eliminating the need for frequent injections.
  • Excellent quality. Soft oil is easily and painlessly administered without causing irritation.
  • Increased overall tone. This drug improves appetite and adds energy. During the course, the mood rises, and the desire to train increases. Potency increases.
  • Saving. The price only at first seems high. In fact, for a two-month intake, a couple of packs are quite enough. Calculate how much cheaper it is than other drugs with similar properties.
  1. Chemical Structure
  2. Profile
  3. Pharmacodynamics
  4. Dosage and Uses
  5. Side Effects
  6. Stack / Cycle
  7. References

Chemical Structure



  • Anabolic index: 100%;
  • Androgen index: 100%;
  • There is aromatization;
  • Not toxic to the liver;
  • Produced in injectable form;
  • Half-life is 12-14 days;
  • Detection time: 12-16 weeks


  • Appetite improvement;
  • Stimulation of protein synthesis;
  • Metabolic acceleration;
  • Water retention;
  • Active absorption of trace elements;
  • Increased sexual activity;
  • Improving oxygen metabolism;
  • Suppression of catabolism;
  • A significant increase in muscle mass;
  • Increased strength and stamina.

Dosage and Uses

To make its usage as effective as possible, it is not advised to stretch it for more than two months. The dosage may be different. Beginners should start with 250 mg per week; for experienced athletes, dose can reach up to 600 mg. You can limit yourself to one injection per week or break the dose into two doses.

Side Effects

The use of this anabolic according to instructions is the key to an easy and calm course without consequences. Most often, side effects are the result of misuse or abuse. Regular overdoses can cause acne, baldness, gynecomastia, increased hair growth on the body and face.

Although the "test" can boast of high anabolic effectiveness, do not forget about some of its shortcomings. Perhaps the most noticeable of these is water retention. It manifests itself not only in sweating and high blood pressure, but also in kickbacks up to 30%. The fact is that at the end of the course all the excess water leaves - only the really gained mass remains.

Another disadvantage is exposure to aromatase. This enzyme turns male hormones into female ones. And therefore, at the time of administration, the concentration of this hormone increases significantly, then estrogens can subsequently go over the top. How to avoid this? Take therapy with Anastrozole.

Stack / Cycle

This drug is best combined with nandrolone. It is worth saying that in such a stack the dosage of each component is about 200 mg weekly. To reduce the effects of estrogen, a combo with Tamoxifen, which should be taken every day, up to 10 mg. In the process of therapy, Proviron is also recommended.


Testoxyl Cypionate 250 Reviews
Oct 22, 2019 (12:03)

The oil is very smooth, I always heat my oils before injections and this was a very nice pip free/very minimal pip injection.. I was a running 900mg per week of test Cyp then switched to 900mg of kalpa test 250. Libido was still as high as before, oily skin, strength did actually go up running this test. However my diet did change so probably a combination of the gear and diet being of better quality. Sides are the usual

Weight is up,all lifts are up, oily skin, slight increase in spots, good energy increase in and out of the gym, libido is sky high, Overall I'm really pleased to have tried akalpa pharma as it was a lab I hadn't really considered before but it deffo ranks highly on what I've used from the labs so far.

Sep 30, 2019 (07:18)

i decided to try the Kalpa, i have been using it at 125mg a week for 8 weeks now and there was no drop in sex drive no loss of stamina nothing other than a little pip, but i cut with gso and its gone now. If anything, my sex drive has increased, i have more acne on my back and shoulders. It may be a mental thing but i feel that its stronger than advertised. Gorwxxlgear will be used by me in the near future.

Aug 2, 2019 (06:27)

Outstanding quality. It really is legit! I've been taking test cyp administered 2x aweek at @250 mg per dose. The test cyp pins as smooth as butter and I've had zero pip. It kicked in around week 3-4. I take one proviroxyl (50 mg) once a day and its really helped my mood and libido. I usually get very moody and depressed, but the proviroxyl makes me feel great!

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Warning! High dosed gear, can cause pain and reaction at the injection site!`
Warm high concentration 350 mg<
before administration
in order to avoid high levels of PIP
and massage afterward.

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