Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Main Ingredient: Methandrostanolone
Concentration: 50 mg
Presentation: 100 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 20 mg/day
Lab: Dragon Pharma
Common Name: Nerobil
Lab Tested: View Result
Please log in to write Dianabol 50 review.
Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Main Ingredient: Stanozolol
Concentration: 10 mg
Presentation: 100 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 10-20 mg/day
Lab: Dragon Pharma
Common Name: Stanol
Lab Tested: View Result
Type: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Main Ingredient: Stanozolol
Concentration: 50 mg
Presentation: 100 Tablets
Form: Oral
Avg Dosage: 10-20 mg/day
Lab: Dragon Pharma
Common Name: Stanoxyl
Lab Tested: View Result
Jul 16, 2019 (11:01)
I just completed the 5 weeks kick start to my cycle. Used it @ 50mg ED. I would usually take the entire dose an hour before working out. Tried feeder workouts with arms and the pumps were completely unbearable. It looked like they gonna explode any time soon. Veins were popping out everywhere.
I put on over 16 lbs in 5 weeks and muscles are now looking nice and full. The strength was awesome. Crazy focus and mad muscle pumps.
On the negative side, water retention was prominent and nipples became softer and itchy. I had to switch from arimidex to letrozole.
So now Ive used the dbols and I'm V pleased and satisfied. It gave a huge kickstart.