Trinaxyl 150
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Trinaxyl 150

96.00 USD

Type: Mixed Trenbolone Esters
Main Ingredients:
- Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg
- Trenbolone Enanthate 50 mg
- Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 50 mg
Concentration: 150 mg
Presentation: Sterile 10 mL Multi-Dose Vial
Form: Oily Solution for Injection
Avg Dosage: 200-600 mg/week
Lab: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Common Name: Tren

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Trinaxyl 150 Detailed

Trinaxyl [10 mL Vial] by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Trinaxyl is ​​a high-quality composite drug that is a strong mixture of 3-esters of trenbolone. Each of these esters has a different duration of action, however, when used together, they give a powerful effect on an athlete's body. With the help of such a composite agent, it is possible to build muscle mass in the shortest possible time and effectively burn the fatty layer. It is important to follow a proper diet.

The composition of this drug included three esterified varieties of trenbolone in equal parts of 50 mg: trenbolone enanthate, trenbolone acetate, hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. This drug is not a novelty in pharmacology. Back in the middle of the last century, it was used in veterinary medicine: to improve appetite and weight gain in livestock. But it was soon discovered that it positively affects the development of muscle mass in athletes. Today it is especially appreciated by bodybuilders and athletes.

Trinaxyl is worth buying if you have already tried other anabolics on yourself. This is the most powerful steroid has anabolic activity 5 times higher than testosterone and 4 times higher than its androgenic activity. It gives the strongest increase in muscle mass and at times increases endurance. Therefore, its application in various sports is relevant: weightlifting and athletics, bodybuilding, martial arts.

  1. Chemical Structure
  2. Profile
  3. Pharmacodynamics
  4. Dosage and Uses
  5. Side Effects
  6. Stack / Cycle
  7. References

Chemical Structure



  • Anabolic index: 500%;
  • Androgen index: 500%;
  • There is no aromatization;
  • Not toxic to the liver;
  • Produced in injectable form;
  • Half-life is 3-14 days;
  • Detection time: 16-20 weeks


  • Rapid muscle growth.
  • Inhibition of catabolism.
  • Increase in power potential.
  • Fat burning as soon as possible.
  • Strengthening sexual desire.
  • Improving appetite.
  • Decrease in concentration of cortisol.

Dosage and Uses

Recommended for use by experienced and steroid-competent athletes, as it is a powerful steroid. Not suitable for women, as it leads to the development of virilization: excessive aggressiveness, acne, coarsening of the voice, male-type hair growth. For men, the greatest effect is given by a dosage of 150 to 450 mg per week. It is important to divide it into several parts for injection on equidistant days of the week.

This drug has long esters, which allows to reduce the number of injections. However, in order not to cause a steroid pit, it is necessary to do from 1 to 3 injections per week.

Trinaxyl by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals can be taken from 4-7 weeks to 9-10 weeks. More than 10 weeks can not be set, as this can lead to an increased risk of androgenic and progestogen side effects, which will immediately block all the benefits of taking.

Side Effects

  • Acne.
  • Gynecomastia.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Testicular atrophy.
  • Decrease in sexual desire.

Stack / Cycle

This anabolic is effective for both solo and combined use. And in that and in another case, it is guaranteed to give a pronounced result from the first weeks of the cycle. Depending on the purpose for which injection is planned, this anabolic can be used with Turinabol, Stanozolol. When combined with stanozolol, you can achieve the growth of quality muscles during the drying process. When combined with Sustanon, you can achieve rapid muscle growth. When combined with methenolone, you can get crippled muscle growth and minimal muscle loss at the same time.


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